Category Archives: Asian Americans

Emil Amok: Georgia goes Blue, Trump should too. And some Veterans Day talk with Emil and Dan.

Georgia goes to Biden officially and now the electoral landslide is real. With a popular vote cherry on top. Almost a mirror of the Trump landslide in 2016. But Trump still denies it. Does he expect a second Trump term? Or does he think he got voted president of some utility company by the way he’s gaslighting?

MORE: Here’s a Veteran’s Day talk I did with SFSU professor Daniel Phil Gonzales:

Check out my columns here.

Emil Amok: We have a winner….. And our long national countmare is over; It’s Emil Guillermo and Prof. Dan Gonzales: Two Flips Talking Politics

Pennsylvania put Biden over the top for good. Philadelphia came through, and Trump is left in his metaphorical “Valley Forge.”
Republicans could have won if they took the high road in 2016, and embraced diversity. But they let their party be hijacked by Trump who polarized politics based on race and reshaped the Republican Party into a hateful group that stood for a new modern version of White supremacy. The last four years were xenophobic and ugly.
We’ve got a lot of healing to do before we go forward.
For now, let’s take a deep breath and remember what it’s like to be all on the same team.

Read Emil Guillermo’s columns on the AALDEF blog.


The spontaneous gathering out in the streets reminded me of what happened in the Philippines when Cory Aquno’s “People Power” toppled Marcos.
The sheer exuberance of what is happening in the U.S. is indicative of how “oppressive” the last four years were for minorities and people of color.

Here’s a conversation with Prof. Daniel Phil Gonzales, in another virtual popup, “Two Flips Talking Politics.”


Emil Amok’s Takeout: Do we have a president yet? More on our extended Election Day USA.

I speak with Prof. Daniel Phil Gonzales of the College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State about Trump’s slurs on democracy, Filipinos voting, the 2020 elections and when the U.S. will have a president.

Read my latest columns on the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund page.