Category Archives: Asian Americans

Emil Amok: The Filipino American History Month Controversy

What’s wrong with Filipino American History Month? The specific FAHM discussion starts around 2:11:00

It’s me and Prof.Daniel Phil Gonzales.

It’s Filipino American History Month, right? But is it right?

You can also watch the entire show right here to get a snapshot of the 2020 Filipino American electorate based on the National Asian American Voter Survey.

NOTE TO regular viewers:
Sorry about the website being down. We have things corrected!

And don’t forget to read all my columns on the AALDEF blog.

Emil Amok: It’s Filipino American History Month

This is the 25th year of “Emil Amok,” my columnizing of the Asian American/Filipino American experience.

Besides being my birthday month, October is Filipino American History Month.

Check out my video Prof. Dan Gonzales, one of the foremost experts in Filipino American History.

And don’t forget to see more of my Amok columns at AALDEF like this one on the Filipinos at the St. Louis Fair.

While you’re on the AALDEF site see the latest columns there.

And definitely check out my new haircut in my interview with Dan Gonzales.

If you came to see me at the Marsh recently, thank you. Sign up to get notices on my future shows, Zoom, or otherwise.