In this video, I talk about Lunar New Year; the rash of anti-Asian attacks by Black perps; How we all can use some Black History Month lesson right now, like the story of David Fagen, who knew our common ground; Finally, I get to Lowell High and why the decision to demagnetize the magnet hurts minority kids more than people realize. What if you don’t get in by lottery? Doesn’t that absolve the school district of a thing. Instead of solving an education problem, they’ve left it all up to chance. The new model of public education, maybe you will, maybe you won’t get educated.
A lottery is about luck. Let’s be intentional about fixing racism in the schools. I mentioned some ways it could be done while keeping Lowell an academic school. But that would take some leadership and thought.
My Emil Amok’s Takeout talks to Professor Daniel Phil Gonzales about David Fagen, the African American Buffalo Solider who deserted during the U.S.-Philippine War to become a Filipino “insurrecto.”
All in one day. Got lucky to find a place near me that had the vaccine, openings, and were ready to give me a poke.
Not fully protected without the second shot in four weeks. But so far, good with no adverse reaction.
Hope you get your shot soon.
Very patriotic with the flag on display. At a VFW hall with real working class Americans of all races. Hmong, Sikh, South Asian, Filipino, Latino. Normally underserved, the people hit hardest by the virus were finally getting what they need.
Everyone seemed relieved that they finally could get their vaccine. But it’s only good if everyone get it.
So far a large number still refuse. Nearly half the GOP won’t get vaccinated.
This is not about politics. It’s about science. While there’s not enough data to say anything conclusively, if you’re older you will tend to be susceptible to the virus. So get vaccinated.
If you can get an appointment.