Category Archives: journalism

Emil Amok at the Marsh–Tonight Oct. 5, 7:30 pm. (PDT)

I cut my hair for tonight’s show: Emil Amok: Covid 2020.
An excerpt from a work in progress!

It’s free. It’s fun. It’s amok.
Click on the Zoom box on the Marsh page.

Emil Amok’s Takeout: Proof that Trump wants to be King; Plus, Dolores Velasco, Pete Hamill, Race, Harvard, Affirmative Action, Global Warming, Covid Crisis, Schools Opening, and my pal Ted the philosopher

Another engaging podcast for your long ride to nowhere.
on Trump, Dolores Velasco, Pete Hamill, Race, Harvard, Affirmative Action, Global Warning, and a philosopher named Ted.

Don’t forget to read Emil’s columns, especially at the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Emil Amok’s Takeout: John Lewis’ “Good Trouble;” Trump’s “Bad Trouble;” NHL Filipino? Another Ted Talk…YES!

Trump wants to delay the elections? Not like I’ve delayed this podcast, but a more serious breach…. really?

Don’t forget to read my columns at

Emil Amok’s Takeout: Happy July 4th, 5th, 6th… Hamilton, Mt. Rushmore, plus another TED Talk.

Hey, Happy Fourth. I finally got around to “Hamilton.” It only took me five years. It’s easier to get into Harvard.
And guess what. My buddy Ishmael Reed was right. So why are brown and black actors playing the oppressors so cool?
That and a lot more on this episode.

And when you’re done, check out my columns here.