Newsom’s 28th Amendment; SCOTUS surprise; Bad Air,USA; Doug Borgum; LIV, UGH/No more golf; LGBTQ Alarm/Rocero Free Speech; Anti-drag law shut down–Your red dress as protected speech; A different Pride Month; Rocero; Dimon; Orange is non-violent; A.I. “extinction? But not before someone makes trillions; Debt Ceiling Sell job; Al Pacino’s Sperm; I’m a UHECR; 46 million viewer finale? “Succession” Virgin, tells all; Viet Dinh; Judge Mehta defines Patriotism; Memorial Day/Professor Dan Gonzales; Bonta; Oathkeepers; Gnus; Judge Mehta takes down Oathkeeper Head Rhodes;”Strong Like Bamboo,” May 28; Tina Turner; Ben Chan; DeSantis; Immigration; Hanks, Wilmore, Harvard; Feinstein, Oprah, polling;

See my columns at

Shows are live on; Twitter@emilamok;

See the replays here.

E536 E535









White House Crasher; Tim Scott; Bill Gates Epstein Bridge; Tongi is the America Idol; Changing my mind on Harvard Lawsuit; Defying DiFi; DeSantis and the anti-Woke; “Strong Like Bamboo,” May 28, Oakland event, FREE; My text therapy; San Francisco Blues; Feinstein; Wembanyama; Gnus; Mr.Pham and the coincidence of AANHPIHM and National Mental Health Awareness Month; Post-Mother’s Day tribute to my mom; Va. amok?; Trump’s zombie act on CNN; WSJ/GOP/In denial over Predator Trump; Abolishing Pet Ownership; Reparations; Trump liable for Sexual Abuse, Defamation, ordered to pay $5 million to E.Jean Carroll; Screaming about Allen, TX and AANHPIHM; Kentucky’s Destruction Derby; What I think about when you say AANHPIHM; Prof. Dan and the Gnus; Remembering Stephen Guillermo, my family’s wrong place shooting; AAPI voting insights; Tucker Whiteman’s texts; Writers Strike; Labor woes; Southwest needs to kiss my butt better; Nikki Haley cheesecake shot/bares her gun in public; GOP stuff so you don’t have to read it; Southwest Airlines–Cancelled; Dark Brandon/Fighting the Biden Ageist; AAPI Month; Barbie Penance; It’s Emil Amok’s Takeout.

See columns at

Listen live @ 2pm PACIFIC on;





E522 Free Event May 28 Oakland Asian Cultural Center; Be there Live or on Zoom…






E517 Trump as sexual assailant. Presidential material?



E514 Stephen Guillermo Remembered…


E512 Thao Convicted; Southwest; Writers Strike; GOP…


Trans activist Zoe Zephyr’s speech on decorum as form of oppression; Trump on rape,”She didn’t scream.”; Warriors/Kings; South Koreans; “Free Chol Soo Lee;” Tucker Carlson; Don Lemon; My friend’s passing; Loida Lewis; I’ll say it– GS Warriors in six; Purdue NW Chancellor’s announcement; SCOTUS/Abortion; Fox’s AAPI leader, Viet Dinh; Fox’s Settlement? Why $787.5 million is not enough for Fox Lies; Gun violence:Do you know Thai Khin?Stockton student shot and killed; Dianne Feinstein’s shingle: Rho Khanna; Bob Lee murder suspect; Harland Crow is corrupting Clarence Thomas; More Justins for Justice. Listen to the latest “Emil Amok’s Takeout,” here. (Please note, “The Conductor,” by writer Ishmael Reed, has completed its March run. But it will be back Aug. 24th at Theater for The New City in NYC. Watch for ticket info here).

E510 Rape? Trump says,”She didn’t scream.”; Booster hell; Zoe Zephyr speaks on Trans rights…

E509 “Free Chol Soo Lee…”

E508 Tucker, Lemon fired; Friend dies; Loida Lewis Book; Fox breaks hand, hand Dubs a break. Warriors in 6.

E507 Purdue NW; SCOTUS; Warriors; A’s.

E506. Buzz Feed; Baldwin; Loida Lewis; Warriors; A’s; Giants; Fox…

E505 Viet Dinh…

E504 FOX Lies…$787.5 Million worth; Guns; Thai Khin, Ralph Yarl…

Get Tickets HERE

I play a Tucker Carlson in brown-face in the play.

Don’t miss it when it returns to New York City in August. Available also via live stream. Watch for ticket info here!

E503 Gun violence, Stockton, Alabama, Yarl, Akron, Ohio, FBI spies.

E502 Thai Khin, Stockton teen shot and killed; Gun violence; DiFi; Clarence Thomas; Bob Lee murder…

E501 Feinstein’s shingle: Rho Khanna; Bob Lee murder suspect; The corruption of Clarence Thomas…

E500 NPR, Wayne Hsiung/DxE, Justin news, Vincent Chin….


E498 Suck my Dalai? Justin Jones is AAPI. Why it matters…

E497 Justin Jones is Filipino…


E495 Trump wants to be gagged.Catholic Church’s sins in Baltimore.

E494 Trump’s Scowly Day…


E491 Emil talks more about “The Conductor,” with a recording with Dan Gonzales.

E490 Emil talks more about “The Conductor.”

E489 More Emil and Dan on Oscars, Trump Indictment Possibilities, more….

E488 Opening night of “The Conductor”

See my columns on the AALDEF blog.

Emil Amok’s Takeout: E486: Frigid.NYC show “Emil Amok,” how to get tickets to stream from home Friday and Saturday; The run so far; Thoughts on “Dilbert.” E484: On Presidents Day, the Executive Order that Incarcerated Japanese Americans; Racism and history; E483: Feinstein won’t run again, but not leaving yet. How that shuts the door on a historic black woman senate appointment; And more on my Off-Broadway projects; E482: Acting? Telling? I’m doing “Lost NPR Host” @Frigid.NYC and “The Conductor” at Theater for the New City. Go! E481: Biden Sees Us; The speech; E480/ Still Biden’s Time; More Chinese Balloonery; Bowen Yang; Gnus and more.Watch my micro-talk show here!

LISTEN LIVE @ 2p Pacific on Twitter; @emilamok;; Replays here at

READ MY COLUMNS on the AALDEF website.

GET TICKETS TO MY ONE-MAN PLAY, AT FRIGID.NYC “EMIL AMOK: Lost NPR Host Found Under St. Marks….” Feb. 16-March 4.

E486 2.27.23 How to get livestream tickets to “Emil Amok,” the NYC stage show at Frigid.NYC; Thoughts on “Dilbert.” E484 2.20.23 EO 9066 and the Incarceration of Japanese Americans; Presidents Day thoughts; More about “Emil Amok:Lost NPR Host…” at Frigid.NYC.

E483 2.14.23 Feinstein’s retirement plan likely blocked the possibility of a third Black woman in the Senate.

E482 2.10.23 “Emil Amok: Lost NPR Host…” at Fringe.NYC; “The Conductor” at Theater for the New City.

E481 2.8.23 Biden’s Got Your Back;

E480 2.7.23 Bowen Yang; Biden’s Pre-Speech; Gnus…

Emil Guillermo's amok commentary on race, politics, diversity…and everything else. It's Emil Amok's Takeout!

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