Emil Amok’s Takeout: E403: Journalists Murdered; MNF censors protest you need to know about; Red baiter Michelle Steel; Abortion liar Herschel Walker; Franklin Odo; Dred Scott; E402: Ishmael Reed’s History Lesson; SCOTUS, Dred Scott, and Filipino American History; Michelle Steel slurs Jay Chen; Trump slurs Elaine Chao; Gnus… E401/Biden rides Ian; My Tua Take; Talking Filipino American History month with Prof.Dan Gonzales. Veterans, Pinoy/Japanese unions, FANHS, Larry Itliong; E400/ It’s not 61 home runs, but… AllHail Mr. 209; Biden shows DeSantis how to give post-hurricane assurance; Structural Race Index; E399/ Respecting Ian, Dissing DeSantis; Fla. Gov doesn’t like it when you make Hurricane Ian political. / DeS. will forever be remembered for Martha’s Vineyard and Hurricane Ian; E398/Student Loans/Conservative Sham; Alec Baldwin; Beyond Panda; Dahmer Denying/We don’t need to relive it; E397/ Simu’s Jeopardy win for #stopaapihate; AAPI sports heroes in MLB/NFL; Iran/Russian Protests; DeSantis’ Hurricane;


Listen live at 2p Pacific; Or catch replays here.

Read my columns on AALDEF website.

E403 10.4.22 Why did ESPN censor animal rights protest?; Journalist killed; Franklin Odo; Sacheen Littlefeather; Michelle Steel is a red baiter…

E402 10.3.22 Ishmael Reed Play; SCOTUS, Dred Scott, Filipino Am. History Month; Steel Slurs Chen; Trump Slurs Chao;

E401 9.30.22 Biden Riding Ian; DeSantis still creepy; Tua; Russia; Filipino American History Month with Prof. Dan Gonzales

E400 9.29.22 Judge hits homer; Ian hits a bigger homer; Biden shows DeSantis how it’s done; Structural racism index;

E399 9.28.22 Respect Ian; Diss DeSantis; Small g. government response inadequate,Republicans exposed;

E398 9.27.22 Student Loan Forgiveness in Perspective/Conservative Sham; Beyond Panda; Dahmer Denying; Alec Baldwin; Gnus…

E397 9.26.22 Simu Liu/Jeopardy; #StopAAPIHate; MLB/NFL AAPI Stars; Kwan;Marriota;Tagovailoa; Koo; DeSantis’ Hurricane; Iran/Russia Protests; Gnus…

Emil Amok’s Takeout: E396/Fifty-years after Marcos declared Martial Law; Puerto Rico; Asian scholars leave U.S.?; Professor Daniel Phil Gonzales, SFSU College of Ethnic Studies; E395/ Brits in Manila? 1762; Russia/UN/Blinken; Pussy Riot; Griner; Hunyh, Tao, Hung Cao, Jay Chen; Migrants’ want injunction; Trump talk; E394/Russia’s threat; Biden’s UN response; NY AG’s Trump suit; Asians in “Quantum Leap”; Aaron Judge turns 60;

Catch the LIVESTREAM, M-F at 2p Pacific on Twitter@emilamok ; YouTube; FB.com/emilguillermo.media; and here on www.amok.com

See my columns on AALDEF.

See the episodes here:

E396 9.23.22 Prof. Daniel Phil Gonzales; 50 years after Marcos’Martial Law; Puerto Rico; Trump Dump.

E395 9.22.22 Pussy Riot; Brits in Manila; Russia/Putin/Blinken; Migrants’ want injunction; Trump legal woes…

E394 9.21.22 Quantum Leap’s AAPI; Putin’s Threat; Biden’s UN Response; NY AG tackles Trump; Aaron Judge; Volunteers for AALDEF Poll.

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok: E393/Syed is free/ Emil on Newsom/ No anxiety for over 65?; E392/ Conviction vacated for Adnan Syed, from “Serial.” But what of Hae Min Lee’s family?/Last stand for Queen/ Mourning Henry/Biden’s Pandemic/NFL/Trey Lance/Tua Tagovailoa/ E391/The Queen’s Bearskin hats; Henry Furhmann took away your hyphen; GOP trafficking; Geek Squad Scam; Marriage; E390 DeSantis and Abbot, human traffickers? Bonta sues Amazon; SF AAPI live in fear; Biden fights Hate; E389/The Queen as mascot; Non-menopausal marmosets; Gnus/Rail/election deniers/Trump/Twitter; Multivitamins for what?E388/ Why the Queen reminds me of OJ; Emmys/ Squid/American Born Chinese/Randall Park; Jean Luc Goddard; Twitter Spy; E387/ The Confluence of History, 9/11, and the Queen’s Death.


Listen to the livestreams M-F 2p Pacific.

E393 9.20.22 Emil talks about the news….

E392 9.19.22 Serial’s Adnan Syed conviction vacated, but what of victim’s family? Queen’s Last Stand;AALDEF column on Henry Fuhrmann; Biden on Pandemic; NFL, Trey, Tua…

E391 9.16.22 Queen’s Bearskin; Henry and your hyphens/Remembering Henry Furhmann; Geek Squad Scam; GOP Trafficking Scam; Marriage is still great…

E390 9.15.22 DeSantis and Abbot: Human traffickers? https://fb.watch/fztMLGnRl6/

E389 9/14/22 Queen lying in state, Trump just lies; Marmosets, multivitamins, health studies; Twitter, Rail woes, other gnus…

E388 9.13.22 Queen/OJ; Emmys/Squid/Randall Park/Quantum Ad; Jean Luc Goddard; Twitter Spy; Covid Deaths

E387 9.12.22 The Queen, Kenya, and Violence in the British Empire; 9/11, the names; The confluence of it all.

Emil Amok’s Takeout: E386/British Gulag; Queen’s Dirty Secrets; God Save the Monarchy? No thanks; Quinto; Jayapal’s Death Threats; E385/Mourning the Queen, Celebrating the Obamas; Bernie Shaw; Anne Garrels; I’ll take heat waves over earthquakes and floods; E384/ Burning Filipino, 106 degrees; BOMO portraits; Niou no run; Quinto cops cleared; Trump Nuke Docs; E383/My anti-Heat trick; Frances Tiafo; Linsanity; Gnus; E382/Laboring on Labor Day; Special Master monkey wrench; The Gnus; Soul of America; Student Loan; Serena; Everything Everywhere Asian America at once. Watch recordings here.

Live streamed at 2pm Pacific on YouTube; FB.com/emilguillermo.media; Twitter @emilamok.

Read columns at AALDEF.

E386 9.9.22 The Queen’s Secrets; British Gulag; Charles in Charge; Angelo Quinto; Rep. Jayapal’s Death Threats.

E385 9.8.22 Mourning the Queen, Celebrating the Obamas; Journo passings/Bernie Shaw, Anne Garrels; Give me heat over floods, quakes.

E384 9.7.22 Burning Filipino; BOMO portraits; Niou No Run; Quinto Cops Cleared; GNUS…

E383 9.6.22 Beat the heat; Tiafo Wins; Linsanity Signs; Gnus…

E382 9.5.22 Everything Everywhere Asian American At Once; Labor Day Perspective; Soul of America; Truth; Serena is a winner.

Read my columns here.

Emil Guillermo's amok commentary on race, politics, diversity…and everything else. It's Emil Amok's Takeout!

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