I’m Telling a Story at an AAJA-SF Fund-raiser, Tues. March 18 at KQED in SF.

Here’s the photograph that was on the wall at the lobby of NPR circa 1989 when I hosted “All Things Considered.” 

I touch on that part of my career and growing up in SF in a personal story that spans three generations. 

Come see me and other tellers in this special event.

You can see us live and in-person at the KQED event space, or live-stream it to your home. 

Use code: HELLA35 to get a discount.

Here’s the ticket link.

The ticket comes with food and drink starting around 6pm. And then, the story-telling and entertainment begins. See the lineup here.

AAJA-SF is raising money for scholarships to help the next generation of Asian American journalists. Help them; See me; And have a good time on Tuesday night, March 18!