Category Archives: Emil’s solo shows

Emil Guillermo: “Amok” Gets Rave Review–“Excellent…above other solo shows” at #SDfringe17, says San Diego Story; next up Thursday 6-29, 10:30 pm

Check it out at the San Diego Art Institute space next to Victoria’s Secret/Horton Plaza. Thursday night 10:30 pm.
Tickets just $10.

It’s funny, tragic, provocative personal history. An American Filipino story.

But here’s what critic Bill Eadie of San Diego Story, the area’s premiere arts journal, had to say:

Come and by and go “Amok.” And if you can’t make it, contact me and I’ll bring it to your city!

Emil Guillermo: It’s on! My Amok Monologues at the San Diego Fringe Festival 6-23-26, and 29th

San Diego for the weekend? Come on by Horton Plaza at the San Diego Art Institute space (to the left of Victoria’s Secret). Come for the panties, stay for the show! Amok is based on my columns and Filipino and Asian America history. Funny, tragic, and there’s a gong present.
Tickets $10! Click here!

Get Fringey. Go Amok!

Emil Guillermo: Full speed ahead #SDFRINGE; Going “Amok” at the San Diego International Fringe Festival June 23- June 29

Had a great prep at the SF Marsh on Monday, same night as the Warrior victory. If you were able to test your TIVO and come out to the show, thank you.
If you didn’t, you can take a road trip to San Diego and catch my one-man show at the San Diego International Fringe Festival, June 23-June 29th! I will be performing at Horton Plaza at the Art Institute Space,
141 Horton Plaza.

Tickets here:

Make it a weekend, see me, and catch some great performances all over San Diego.

Emil Guillermo: Amok excerpt, SF Marsh on June 12; Full show San Diego Fringe 6-23-29.

I’m at the Marsh in SF for a 20-min excerpt of my Amok Monologues.
Check it out if you can. I may have a gong!

Yes it’s “all pucked up,” with stories from NPR, Harvard, and the murder of my cousin in SOMA.
And you’ll also see me call up the spirit of Jimmy Bob Amok!

But the big treat, the full show is in San Diego, at the San Diego International Fringe Festival, June 23-29. Come by if you can!

And if that’s not enough, listen to the latest “Emil Amok’s Takeout.”

Perfect if you’re feeling Comey-tose about now.
Hopefully, you will download a podcast, or see a show, and get energized!