I’m live blogging the fight. So if you don’t have a way to watch it live, say you’re working, or on Muni, or otherwise indisposed, I’ll give you round-by-round updates here. Pacquiao fight day is a Filipino national holiday even in America, and I am gathered with relatives in Guillermo Central who will replicate the crowd ambience in Vegas.
Projected fight revenue according HBO: $400 million. If fight goes the distance both fighters will split $138,000 a second.
Hashtag battle shows #Pacwins, 67percent, #MayWins 33percent. What’s that mean? The public hates Mayweather.
Jamie Foxx will sing the National Anthem. Let’s see if he does it in his Paquiao accent.
He didn’t. But see my earlier posts to see his slur.
Pacquiao is introduced and look who’s behind him. Jimmy Kimmel?
Pacman is relaxed enough to take a selfie with Freddie Roach.
Pacquiao enters ring with his headband and teeshirt, and goes to a corner to pray.
Mayweather enters the arena with Justin Bieber and …is that the Burger King guy?
Mayweather looks like he is wearing a warmup made of his ex-wives handbags.
Pacman at 152 pounds. Mayweather has a reach advantage 72″ to 68″.
My cousin is saying, “Manny Pacquiao has to stop smiling.”
Michael Buffer doesn’t sound like he’s ready to rumble. A little hoarse.
He intros Pacquiao. Still in T-shirt, no fancy robe.
Mayweather’s Showtime announcer builds him up much better than Buffer juices up Pacman for the crowd.
First bad omen?
Round 1
Mayweather more aggressive early with his left jab. Pac is not getting close. M trying his right effectively. Pac gets M in last ten seconds, but M grabs him.
10-9 Mayweather.
Round 2
Pac getting M in corner. Then M grabs and body punches. Not fair. M getting in right hand. Pac not getting close. Pac gets him in corner again, but M grabs and gets out. P aggressive with :20 left. But M gets away. P closes with a flurry but M gets away.
10-9 Pacman
Round 3
M gets his right hand in . P gets close but once in corner M grabs and gets out. P gets a left that gets M off balance. M very defensive. A grabber. M. not boxing. He’s grappling. M. misses with right. P can’t get combos in their but lands one in final second.
10-9 Pacman
Round 4
M seems to be hitting low. P gets in combo at 2:34.
P aggressive here. But combo on M at ropes as M goes rope a dope.
M defensive but P combos landing . M playing football to stop P.
P gets M in corner. But M gets away. P wins round
10-9 Pacman
Round 5
P rt hook on M. M is aggressive here. M right to P. M gets right in again. P trying to get close but M dives to grab P when that happens.
:49 fighters in center. M is running now, then grabbing. P not landing as many punches.
10-9 Mayweahter
Round 6
P gets left in on M. M in corner P attacks. M grabs .
2:00 P to body. M grabs. M with 56-32 punch edge . But P at 1:03 has series of combos against M. :24 M jab is keeping P away.
10-9 Pacman
Round 7
M aggressive early. with right hand. but by 1;21 M is running, then grabbing. P not doing enough here w/ :51. But left lands with :34.Last :10 P has M on run.
10-9 Pacman
Round 8
P starts as aggressor lands left on M. P then some combos. M gets r to P. P gets M to ropes but gets away. M with left hook to P.
P trying to get in but countered by M’s defense.
10-9 Mayweather.
Round 9
P with combos at 2:30. M counters. P gets M in corner, M grabs P.
P gets M to ropes. :10 P gets M in corner. M gets away.
10-9 Pacman
Round 10
P to body. But P not landing enough punches. P can’t seem to find the target as M gets away. P has M in corner twice, but can’t put him away. P with right.
10-9 P
Round 11
M starts aggressively. M with right hand to P. P needs a KO now.
P gets M into corner, but slips away. M jabs at P. P has M in corner again but can’t put M away. M with left hook on P. M chased P and lunged and miss.
10-9 Mayweather
Round 12
P needs a knock out.
P with left to M.
1:40 P has M in ropes but gets away.
1:06 time running out.
P coming at M in corner. M taunts and ha s his hand up. P has arms raised. But M looks to have won.
10-9 Mayweather.
I scored it 7 rounds P to 5 for M based on P aggression early and M’s holding.
I had it 115-113 for Pacquiao
But the official judges and commentators don’t see it the way I see it.
They have it unanimous for Mayweather. 118-110, 116-112, 116-112. .
Mayweather wins and Filipinos everywhere are disappointed.
Pacquiao says he thought that he (Pacquiao) won the fight. “He (Mayweather) didn’t do anything,” P said to Showtime commentator.
Hard to land a punch when opponent ducks and grabs. Clear that time and age hurt Pac’s offense more than Mayweather’s defensive “skills.”
Does anyone want a rematch? If it were closer, maybe. But I think the fight of the century was a kind of dud. Mayweather diffused P’s firepower, and actually made the fight a bit dull.
Looks like we only get one fight of the century.
One of my cousins here said, “Mayweather likes to hug.”
Manny? He’s probably at karaoke now.
But before karaoke, Pacquiao and Mayweather give press conference.
Pacquaio talks about injuring a shoulder during training which affected his ability to punch with power. First time we’ve heard it. Excuse?
He also mentions that he was denied receiving an anti-inflammatory before the match. One outlet is reporting state commissioners dispute the claim, saying no one revealed an injury until 6pm on fight night.
Mayweather bragged about getting a six-figure check after the fight: $100, 000, 000.