Tag Archives: Vincent Chin

UPDATED: Show No. 80, on AAPI Repubicans, Vaping, and more, added below; Plus…Emil Amok is Emil Guillermo, No.78 and No. 79 Chauvin sentencing; Imperfect Justice; Vincent Chin; Conan; and love…. It’s Emil Amok’s Takeout. Watch/Listen now!

Catch us live on Facebook Watch @2pPacific M-F, on emilguillermo.media

Read my column on the AALDEF website!



Emil Amok is Emil Guillermo, #76: Vincent Chin’s last day, a news meditation; Andrew Yang calling–to run; Apple Daily’s shutdown; Where’s America’s Pro-Democracy movement? It’s Emil Amok’s Takeout!

WE’RE LIVE AT 2pPacific M-F on Facebook @emilguillermo.media

Catch the recordings here after.

Read my columns on the AALDEF site.

Emil Guillermo: Check out Emil Amok’s Takeout…our new podcast

The Donald at the Merkel presser didn’t like being questioned by the Germans.  Just wait till next week when his Obama lie about wiretapping is formally exposed. There is no there there. Just the Donald’s own fake news to distract us from the real issues of Jeff Sessions pre-election actions, and his assault on the poor and middle class through budget cuts and health care decimation.

Have you checked out our new podcast?

It’s right here. And also on the AALDEF blog….

On the travel ban 2.0’s rejection by a federal judge in Hawaii.

The  Justice Dept. is appealing the rejection by a Maryland judge to get it before a different appeals court in Virginia. The whole thing will likely go to the Supreme Court.

Also. an interview with Jenn Fang of reappropriate.co, on Kuchibhotla and whether the South Asian’s killing is a Vincent Chin moment for all Asian Americans.

It’s Emil Amok’s Takeout.

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Thanks for listening.

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